The Liebster Award!

What a nice surprise, to wake up on a Tuesday Morning to a blogging award!


I was nominated by the very witty writer, Neil Scheinin, over at Yeah, Another Blogger so thank you to you! He’s really funny, go check out his blog.

Also take a look at his blog if you want to read more about the award because this award business is pretty new to me and I don’t really have a clue!

As part of the award acceptance I have to answer a few questions from Neil so here are my answers…

1.What television series, if any, are you currently watching? I don’t watch a lot of TV, at uni we didn’t even have one. At the moment the Olympics is pretty much the only TV I’m watching! But my family also loves watching old NCIS episodes and I like real crime documentaries.

2.What are your favorite fruits? I love nearly all fruits! I have a banana every day (banana bread anyone?!) but raspberries and strawberries are my treat fruits. 

3.What are your hobbies? Running, blogging, eating, cooking, and visiting art galleries. 

It was really hard to choose which bloggers to nominate as I follow so many great ones! But I’d like to nominate these fab three blogs…

I accidently ate the whole thing

Recipe in a Bottle 

Winging it… By Grace

Please answer these three questions for your acceptance post!

1.What’s your favourite flavour cake?

2.What’s your ideal travel destination?

3. Favourite song and why? Pick a good story please!

And here are the rules…

Once you accept a nomination, you are asked to complete the following steps:
– Create a post in your blog displaying the Liebster Award logo
– In that post, thank and link to the blogger who nominated you
– In that post, answer the questions assigned by the blogger who nominated you
– In that post, nominate new favorite bloggers for the Liebster Award
– In that post, come up with a list of questions for your nominees
– In that post, provide rules/instructions for your nominees in re accepting the award
– Notify the nominees
– Post your Liebster blog post link in the comments of your nominator’s Liebster post

Now for a celebratory snack for me!

Happy blogging!


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