The Shard

I’ve been spending quite a lot of time in London lately, reuniting with Uni friends and having job interviews. It’s made me realise how little I know my own capital city!

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So I met up with my partner in crime, Jess, who is always a terrible influence! I’ve mentioned her on the blog before, in my Wine time series here. We first met at the University athletics club but running soon became replaced by alcohol – told you she was a bad influence!

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After dinner at her sister’s flat we got dressed up, heels and all – we were headed to The Shard so wanted to dress sophisticated! Your bag is scanned at the entrance before you’re whooshed up to floor 32 in the lift. The smart thing to do, rather than just paying to see the view, is to go to The Shard bar then you only have to pay for your cocktail (I say ‘only’ but it was actually the most expensive cocktail I have ever bought in my life!). There was quite a queue at the bar, and some of the staff came across a little snobby, but the setting and view is incredible.

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I went for the Berry champagne cocktail whilst Jess had the Elderflower one. Both were delicious, and topped with a beautiful pansy! Sorry about the photo, we just couldn’t wait to have a sip!

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We ruined our sophisticated image slightly by taking a few selfies but everyone else was doing it too! One other thing you must do if you’re there is to use the toilets!! The poshest loos I have ever been to, trust me, go!

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And then go somewhere a little cheaper for another drink…

Hope you’re having a happy week! xx


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